Educational Toys for your Classroom

Whether you have a classroom filled with little toddlers running around, or kids in primary school, with SucZeZZ, we have a variety of educational toys suited for your needs.

Learning in the classroom can be fun, and with so many toys to choose from it is easy to keep the kids in the class occupied while learning.

Something as simple as Posters can help the kids learn and assist in making your classroom come to life with the colour and graphics in the poster.

Educational Posters can assist your pupils to learn counting from 1-100; Days of the week, the alphabet and more.  You are sure to find some perfectly good cost-effective posters for your classroom.  These assist you as the teacher, by giving the children some fun on the walls to not only look at but learn from too.

Available in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu, we have a huge range of trusted products including math cards, felt products, puzzles, intelligent games and more. Along with the guidance of Occupational Therapists and School Teachers, we know our products can benefit anyone wishing to learn in a fun way.  SucZeZZ supply many educational toy stores and retailers countrywide – we are trusted!