Learn With Felt for Toddlers
Sometimes the best way to spark the imagination of a child is to simply keep it simple. Felt is such a forgiving fabric and it sticks so nicely to itself thus making it is a great base to use in learning with toddlers. Adding felt play pieces to your choice of learning aids and toys […]
Which Puzzle is Right for My Child?
There are so many different types of puzzles to choose from, so which one is right for my child? For a child to build fine motor skills, good hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills, puzzles are absolutely the way to go! How do you know what to pick? In this article, we will share some ideas […]
Is jou Spruit Gereed Vir Die Groot Skool?
Talle kinders is een van die dae in Graad 1. Is jou spruit gereed vir die groot skooljaar? Ons weet al dat Graad 1 ’n groot verandering vir kinders inhou. Die “grootskool” bring allerhande nuwe reëls en verwagtinge. Deesdae word ook al hoe meer van kinders verwag en die formele leeromgewing verg gevolglik heelwat aanpassings […]